World Association For Photobiomodulation Therapy
Welcome To WALT
The leading world body for promoting research, education and clinical applications in the field of photobiomodulation with lasers and other light sources.
The multinational membership includes the world’s leading experts in all forms of treatment mediated by the photobiomodulating effects of light occurring without thermal effects on irradiated tissue.

Please find below an additional table with some corrections regarding the minimum recommended dose per point for Lumbar Spine and for the Hip (Pr J.M. Bjordal).
These corrections were accepted by all members of the WALT Physiotherapy/Sport Medicine working group.
Charge Forward
The Mission of the World Association for PhotobiomoduLation Therapy (WALT)
“To stimulate high quality research in photobiomodulation, offer evidence-based guidance, education and standards for best practice in photobiomodulation and contribute to the promotion of health and quality of life.”
6 good reasons why you should join WALT
- Flexible Membership Option
- Journal of Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- WALT Review e-Journal
- Biannual WALT Congress
- Access to WALT website
- Membership Certificate
We aim to provide an accessible platform to expand the body of knowledge through clinical & laboratory research, and encourage international co-operation and interaction for Laser Therapists of all disciplines.
what we strive for
The aims of the Association
- To promote the evidence-based clinical application of photobiomodulation in the fields of medical practice, dentistry, veterinary medicine and allied health professions.
- To encourage research into the clinical application of photobiomodulation in accordance with internationally accepted standards of best practice.
- To encourage laboratory-based research into mechanisms of photobiomodulation.
- To promote education, encourage international co-operation and provide a forum for information exchange.
- To establish WALT as the international reference body for accreditation of standards in research and education in photobiomodulation across all disciplines.
Who can join WALT?
Anyone can join WALT. WALT members are researchers, engineers, medical doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, chiropractors, manufacturers, acupuncturists etc.
How do I become a member of WALT?
What dosage should I use?
Our Roots
The World Association for PhotobiomoduLation Therapy (WALT) was formed in 1994 in Barcelona, Spain at the joint Congress of the International Laser Therapy Association (ILTA) and the International Society for Laser Application in Medicine (ISLAM) when these two international groups merged and WALT became the leading world body for promoting research, education and clinical applications in the field of photobiomodulation with lasers and other light sources.
The multinational membership includes the world’s leading experts in all forms of treatment mediated by the photobiomodulating effects of light occurring without thermal effects on irradiated tissue.
Membership Options
WALT Membership- Monthly Journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- (online access only)
- Complete journal archive
- Online eNewsletter
WALT Membership- Monthly Journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- (online access only)
- Complete journal archive
- Online eNewsletter
WALT Membership- Monthly Journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- (online access only)
- Complete journal archive
- Online eNewsletter
WALT Membership- Monthly Journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- (online access only)
- Complete journal archive
- Online eNewsletter
Student Free
WALT Membership- Monthly Journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery
- (online access only)
- Complete journal archive
- Online eNewsletter
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