WALT Membership Newsletters

WALT Membership Newsletter 2024

Dear WALT Member,
PBM2024 was held at the prestigious Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London between 23rd-25th
August 2024. It was the 14th International Congress of World Association for Photobiomodulation Therapy
(WALT). It also marked WALT 30th Anniversary. PBM2024 was a great success and indeed we kept our
promise to deliver the largest widely rewarded Photobiomodulation (PBM) conference in the history.
The conference hosted over 400 delegates of which 161 renowned speakers including young investigators
and students from 30 countries presented the latest advancements in PBM research.


Get In Touch

3435 MAIN STREET, B36A, FOSTER HALL, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, 1421 info@waltpbm.org